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Onafhankelijke onderzoeksjournalistiek

The Artificial Turf Mountain

leestijd 1 minuten
195 keer bekeken
Kunstgrasberg 1
The Netherlands is a country of artificial turf.  No country in the world has more artificial turf per capita. Last summer, over 200 artificial grass pitches were replaced in the Netherlands.

No less than 1 million square metres of artificial turf had to be removed. All waste that cannot be dumped. What happens to the old pitches? What happens to all that plastic and all the polluting rubber in them? Processing companies promise to separate all the waste and recycle it. Municipalities pay top dollar for that. But what is the reality? Those involved call it 'the best kept secret in the market'.

ZEMBLA follows the trail of a number of transports, and finds itself in a world of dealers, defrauding artificial turf processors, absent supervisors, and a growing artificial turf pile.

Watch 'The Artificial Turf Mountain' here:
Director: Roelof Bosma
Researcher: André Nelis

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