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Bribery and deportation

leestijd 1 minuten
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Several times a year, a mysterious delegation of officials from the West African country of Guinea visits the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice. This delegation is charged with identifying Guineans living illegally in the Netherlands and providing them with travel documents so they can return to Guinea.
The Netherlands is confronted with the challenge of thousands of illegal immigrants who are unable to go back to their country of origin. Some have no travel documents, while in other cases the government of the country in question is unwilling to cooperate on their repatriation. To cope with these asylum seekers, the Ministry of Security and Justice works behind the scenes with some countries of origin, including Guinea.
Last year it emerged that the Netherlands pays the Guinean delegations generous sums for providing the required travel documents and for their travel and accommodation expenses. What’s more, there have long been rumours of corruption and malpractice surrounding the deportation of illegals to Guinea.
ZEMBLA travels to Africa to discover how the Ministry of Security and Justice arranges the repatriation of illegal Guineans.

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